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About Elizabeth

At the age of four, I had a profound spiritual experience.  Standing in the middle of my backyard, I was looking up at the sky when suddenly, I expanded out of my body into what I now call The Divine. It was a beautiful, loving experience of feeling whole and connected to all that is.  


Although I don’t remember the messages I received, I vividly remember the questions I posed to my mother upon my return. “Why are we here? What are we supposed to be doing?”  Certainly big questions for such a little girl.


From then on, I saw and knew things that other people didn't see or know.  I could feel the truth and could feel lies as well.  I knew when things would happen before they did and was able to see energies around people.  


I delved into formal education about spirituality and metaphysics, becoming trained in meditation, crystal healing, past life regression, rebirthing and many other modalities.




In 1979, I became a certified massage therapist and began my work as a hands-on healer. By working on thousands of clients, it became clear that the pains and diseases they complained of were rarely from a physical source, but rather from unresolved emotional energies and untrue belief systems.


Quite spontaneously, I began leading clients on inner spiritual journeys utilizing guided meditation. Often, loved ones who had passed would appear with messages that I would in turn translate to them.  Sometimes I would be led to regress them to a past life, witnessing in awe that their present conditions would shift dramatically. These massage sessions became catalysts to profoundly transform lives.    


In 1993 my innate skills, years of studies and training, along with my personal growth work integrated.  It became clear that I was supposed to devote myself to private consultations and spiritual counselling as well as teach classes and lead workshops. 


There is nothing that brings me more joy than allowing my life journey to assist in changing others’ lives! 

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