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What is a Channeler?

A channeler, also known as a medium, is someone who has opened themselves up to allow spirits and other ‘external’ energies to communicate to them and sometimes through them.  


Channelers have learned to trust what is being given to them and are thus able to share it in some way. 


A channeler is comparable to a radio, and, just as there are various qualities of radios with lower or higher reception band width abilities, there are various qualities of channelers. 


A pure channeler is someone who feels deserving enough to allow themselves to be communicated with minus their own fears, judgments, ego or need to interpret getting in the way.  They are a pure receiver, period, with no need for praise or recognition. 


The Truth is we are all channelers, some of us just more conscious of it than others.   And, if you accept the fact that you are a spirit, you are channeling your own spiritual energy  all the time!  


Channeling is no big deal.  It's as natural as breathing, and as normal as being alive. 

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